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> Intelligent Horsemanship > Harmony with Horses

Harmony with Horses

Harmony with Horses

ISBN: 9780646072302

Author: Maurice Wright

Publisher: Dyamberin, 1991

Format: Hardcover

Price: AUD $16.95
RRP: AUD $19.95

Aims to help riders or potential riders, and drivers to acquire better understanding of horses so that they can have a happy and harmonious time together. Gives a brief background history of the horse, his origins, his conformational development, his domestication and his psychological attitude to people. Encourages the rider to adopt an attitude towards their horses which will simplify their training and ensure their safety. Through intuitive thought, tolerance and understanding it is possible for most people to create the climate for horses which will allow them to reach their full potential.

Book Title: Harmony with Horses
Publisher: Dyamberin, 1991
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780646072302
Author: Maurice Wright
Author Notes: Maurice Wright observed Kell Jeffery, then 75 years old, demonstrating this technique in front of a large and skeptical crowd. Jeffery appeard much too frail to tackle any unbroken animal, yet within an hour and a half, this 75-year old master was riding a relaxed and obediant horse around the ring-a horse that three trainers had previously given up as hopeless. Maurice Wright perfected this method on his own horses and has shared his knowledge over the years with hundreds of people who want to train their horses without stress and trauma.
Condition: New
Availability: In Stock

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